Healthy Practices

In Search of Knowledge – Weekly Staff Seminar


Sl.No. Faculty Name and Designation Presentation Title Date
Year: 2022
1 Dr.Buvaneshwari P,
Professor, Dept. of Studies in Business Administration
Health and Wellness at Your Fingertips 27/08/2022
2 Prof. Sri Harish MachiaKodandera, Adjunct  Professor and Head, Dept. of Studies in Business Administration. 17 is Q. Smart Questions for Smart Leaders 17/09/2022
3 Dr. Saranya S,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Studies in Business Administration.
An empirical analysis of relationship between venture capital investments and national development 24/09/2022
4 Dr.Nandini B,
Assistant Professor,
DoS in Biotechnology
Novel Membrane Lipid Nanoemulsion of Trichoderma spp. for Inducing Downy Mildew Disease Resistance in Pearl Millet 01/10/2022
5 Dr.Kirti Rani Saad
Assistant Professor
DoS in Biotechnology
Molecular regulation of anthocyanin in static and submerged cultures of Daucuscarota  15/10/2022
Year: 2023
1 Dr. Mahadesh Prasad AJ
DoS in Biochemistry
PG Wing of SBRR Mahajana FG College(A)
Vaccine development and challenges 04/03/2023
Year: 2024
1 Ms. Rayana Lavitha D Silva
Assistant Professor
DoS in Biochemistry
PG Wing SBRR Mahajana FG College (A)
Invasive and non-invasive therapies for Neurological disorders:
Relevance to memory loss and locomotor inabilities
2 Dr. Aniruddha S Rao
Assistant Professor,
Department of Studies in Business Administration,
PG Wing SBRR Mahajana FG College (A)
A Transition from Financial Inclusion to Digital Inclusion 17/02/2024
Assistant Professor
DoS in Commerce
PG Wing SBRR Mahajana FG College (A)
Analysis of Interim Budget 2024-25 24/02/2023
4 Mr. Srinivas Thimmaiah
Assistant Professor, DoS in Business Administration
PG Wing of SBRR Mahajana First Grade College (A)
Millennials & Gen Z – Reshaping the Modern-Day Workplaces 09/03/2024

Department of MCA – Best Practice

  1. Title of the Best Practice: Tech Talk
  2. Objectives of the Practice:Tech talk in the department gives the faculty members an opportunity to share knowledge and exchange ideas in the area of Computer Science.There are many things that cannot be got out from many other communication channels or tools that are used today.Faculty members in the department get the opportunity to collect resources, knowledge, and ideas during the tech talk. Around 5 to 10 minutes are dedicated by the team of faculty in the department for the tech talk. One faculty member comes prepared to speak about a technology related topic and after the talk, the remaining faculty members comment and add to the content.
  3. The Context: Academic speaking skills givea lot of exposure to the faculty members; the structure for what they want to say, as well as rationale and focus; all of which are extremely useful for effective communication in every walk of life.Right channel to communicate and share ideas is crucial, but the wish to share and acquire new knowledge is certainly recognized as the most important factor in the best practice.
  4. The Practice: Every month, 2 to 3 days, the faculty members meet up in the department for the purpose of TECH TALK.
  5. Evidence of Success: The faculty members have gained a lot of exposure on latest technologies from peers in the department and often faculty share the same with the students which in-turn helps the students gain knowledge in the emerging areas of Computer Science.The students have also picked up few topics for their projects.
  6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required: At times, the faculty members get engaged in curriculum preparation, delivery and assessment responsibilities and find it tough to gather at a particular time for the tech talk. Resources – none.

Assembly: It  is held on every Saturday to take stock of the events of the week and to announce the plans for the coming week. Through this rostrum, the  Principal leads the college in acknowledging and appreciating the achievements of the   students and  staff members. The Naada Geethe and the National Anthem are rendered at the Weekly Assembly.

Calendar: It is a handy booklet providing the students and parents vital information about college, time-table and the schedule of  activities to be held during the year. It also contains a vital page for recording the student’s monthly attendance position to be duly signed by the subject teachers and the parents.

Charity and Giving: To imbibe the noble concept of charity among students,  charity giving is promoted.  Students are encouraged to make small contributions to the needy public.

Class Teacher Concept: The concept of Class Teacher and Class Representatives has ensured smooth functioning of classroom activities. This concept provides the students with an opportunity to open up their views and opinions with regard to their academic, social and even individualistic concerns. While this is a step to strengthen student-teacher bond, it primarily aims at integrating students and staff with the class, class with the college and college with the country.

Guest of the Month: Noted personalities and artistes are invited to perform in the college premises. The public are welcome to attend this function.

Talent of the Week: It is a platform to introduce the budding, talented students to a larger world.

National & International Days : The college observes important national days like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti and other major national events to integrate subjectivity among the students towards the nation. Celebrating international days like World AIDS Day, Hiroshima Day etc., is also very much part of the college activites.

Orientation Programme : Orientation Programme is held for the First Year students to help them acclimatize to the new learning environment.

Goodwill Promotion

Parents’ Association

To foster further involvement of the stakeholders in education, 'Parents Meet' and 'Parents Socials' are organized. This is a pioneer step at college level initiated to bring the parents closer to the institution. It begins with an orientation programme for the freshers along with their parents. The subsequent meet elects the new office-bearers.
Parents form an important link between the college and the students. Their views and opinions are rated high in formulating the policies pertaining to their wards. Parents’ meeting is called every week on Saturday to discuss their children’s progress. Parents are welcome to call on the Head of the Institution or Heads of Departments with or without prior appointment.